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Arbor Pasture

The coalescence of strategy, science & historic tradition

Arbor Farm Arbor Pasture Cornwall UK

Thinking beyond the increasingly popular concept of sylvo-pastoral systems, where livestock graze within a mosaic of open pasture & trees, Arbor Pasture defines a system where the trees themselves, are rotationally grazed.​


Historically, trees have provided an important livestock feeding resource. Tree fodder, or tree hay, was of particular importance during periods of drought & as a reserve, nutrient-rich winter feed.​


We have witnessed summers of heat-stressed livestock grazing in low-yielding & sun-bleached fields. The importance, & potential benefits, of establishing trees for fodder has never been greater, or of more relevance.

May 2021 Hybrid poplars planted for fodder crop trial…

Arbor Farm Poplars Cornwall UK

There are numerous potential by-products, animal welfare benefits & eco-system service outputs associated with farming trees.


With planning, high-yielding fodder trees are easy to grow & quick to establish. Arbor Pasture requires relatively little land (in comparison to woodland creation), capital outlay & only limited labour inputs.


We provide holistic advisory & support services, designing, planning & supplying bespoke Arbor Pasture systems. Contact our Arboricultural Consultant to discuss/arrange a visit.

…& 15 months later without any supplementary irrigation!

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